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Salvadorian Empanadas de Leche
By Yenis Rubio

For empanada dough
5 ripe plantains (must be ripe for sweetness)
2 tablespoons granulated sugar
A pinch of salt
2 teaspoons vanilla for flavoring

For the filling
4 cups of milk
1/2 cup of Maizena® (corn starch)
1/2 cup granulated sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla for flavoring
A few pieces of cinnamon sticks
Oil to fry the empanadas


Wash the plantains and place in a pan to boil about 20 minutes. Or until skin starts to fall off (be careful to not overcook). Peel plantains and set aside to cool in a bowl with no water. Once cool, take a fork and mash the plantains. Add the sugar, salt and vanilla and mix to a smooth consistency. Set mixture aside.

To make the filling
In a saucepan, add the milk and the Maizena gradually while mixing with a fork or whisk. Mix until no lumps are visible and the mixture is a smooth consistency. Place the mixture to heat over low heat and mix constantly. Add the sugar gradually, along with the cinnamon stick pieces and vanilla. The mixture will become thicker, and once the first boil appears, remove from heat and set aside to cool.

Assemble and fry the empanadas
Grab about two tablespoons of the mixture and shape to the size of a small tortilla (wet hands to keep mixture from sticking to your hands). In the center of the plantain mixture place one teaspoon of the filling. Close the plantain mixture over the filling and shape into an empanada (be careful to not overfill). In a frying pan, heat oil to 400° F. or use a deep fryer if you prefer (enough oil to cover the empanadas). Place the empanadas into the hot oil, gently, to make sure they don’t break apart. Cook both sides until they are golden brown. Once browned on both sides, remove from oil and place on paper towel to drain excess oil. Once cool, place sugar in a square container and coat the empanadas with sugar. Ready to serve. Enjoy!